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Pink Apple

Special Thanks To:

Annette Bleichenbacher, Beat Käslin and the Arthouse team
Noemi Signer and the Cinema-Luna team
Corinne Siegrist-Oboussier, Filmpodium
Cabaret Voltaire and bar team
Werner Widmer and Jordanis Theodoridis, Widmer+Theodoridis contemporary
Raphaelle Jehan, Stevenson Gallery, Cape Town and Johannesburg
Martin Mühlheim and SenataWagner
Vera Harder, research assistant project “drawing workshop”, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts, ZHdK
Heinrich Mezger Stiftung
Restaurant Mère Catherine and team
all filmmakers and national and international distributors that enable Pink Apple to take place.

Pink Apple also wishes to thank its donors, sponsors and advertisers, and all public sector entities, organisations and sympathetic individuals including all other helping hands not explicitly mentioned here for their generous support and excellent cooperation. Without them our festival simply could not take place.

Adopt a film!

Thanks to Boa Anakonda and Luzius Sprüngli.

Last but not least:

A big thank you to our loyal audience!